Dog, Pros and Cons of Owning a Dog  

Is it a pre-requisite for dog owners to invest in a Trainer? One of the reasons why people are apprehensive to own a dog is because of the added expense of hiring a professional dog trainer. Truth be told, you can compare dogs to kids. They are alike in so many ways particularly on the way they behave. However, humans are easier to train and discipline because kids speak our language even if they can’t articulate it yet. Dogs, on the other hand, can be challenging to teach because they are animals. Luckily, dog trainers are skilled in this area. You just have to invest in them. If you’re thinking about getting a dog as a pet, make sure you weigh the pros and cons so you won’t regret your decision. Keep in mind that for dogs to behave well, you have to train them and if you don’t have the time to train your dog, you’ll have to spend money on dog training.

Let’s check out the pros and cons of owning a dog.

PRO: Dogs Are Great Company

If you’re single or living alone, having a dog can make your days and nights less lonely because dogs are great companions. They are nice to have around. You can express yourself and talk to your dog without being interrupted and judged. Quite surprisingly, many dog owners say that they feel their dogs understand them better than most humans do.

Con: Dogs Need To Be Trained

As mentioned, owning a dog can be a pleasant experience or it can be a pain. If your dog is ill-mannered because you failed to train him, you are going to suffer the consequences. For example, if you don’t spend time potty training your dog, he could pee and poop anywhere in your home – including your white-washed suede couch. Dogs that didn’t undergo obedience training are also capable of destroying furniture and they can behave badly around guests. If you have no intention of training your dog then it’s going to be a nightmare. You may want to forego owning one.

PRO: Dogs Are Cuddly

One advantage of having big dogs is they are so cuddly you’ll love snuggling right next to them especially on days when you feel sad, depressed or lonely or on days when you need a hug.

Con: Dogs Are Expensive

Even though you were given a dog as a gift it doesn’t mean you’re not going to shell out money. Remember, dogs are like kids. You need to buy their groceries, chew toys, vaccinations, dog clothes, dog food and the list goes on. It’s going to dent your savings. Before you decide to get a dog, make sure you know how much money it’s going to cost you. If you can’t afford to buy your dog’s needs, you’re better off.

PRO: Dogs Offer Protection

When dogs acknowledge you as their master, they will be protective of you and for some reason, this gives dog owners a sense of security. Dogs are also territorial. You can take advantage of this natural instinct to protect your property and possessions.

Con: Travelling Is A Hassle

Traveling can be a real hassle for dog owners because sometimes you’re not allowed to bring your dog. Another problem is who will look after your dog when you’re away? If you plan to take your dog with you, you have to consider establishments that are strict in allowing pets to enter.


Before you get all excited and buy the kennel you saw at the mall, consider all the possible pros and cons so you won’t end up regretting your decision. If you are willing to take the full responsibility as a dog owner then by all means go ahead but if you’re having doubts if you can train and take care of your dog well, you should rethink it.

Dental surgery, How to Recover from Oral Surgery

Does an impacted wisdom tooth cause tooth pain? Generally, an impacted tooth will not cause any pain but when it starts to erupt, the gums above it may swell resulting in pain. Extracting an impacted wisdom tooth requires oral surgery. Sometimes your dentist will suggest to have it extracted otherwise it will result in infection or more pain.

Wisdom teeth, also known as your third molars, are the very last set of teeth to erupt. They usually come out between the ages 17 and 25 years old. There are 3 kinds of people – those who never develop wisdom teeth, those who develop wisdom teeth but they erupt normally and don’t cause any problems and then there are those with impacted wisdom teeth.

Unfortunately, people with an impacted wisdom tooth are likely to experience oral problems such as pain, infection or periodontal disease because food can get stuck behind it, tooth decay, and nearby tooth damage.

How do dentists address wisdom teeth? Usually, dentists do not recommend surgery if the patient is asymptomatic but they may suggest surgery to prevent serious long-term complications.

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth and you decide to push through with surgery, here are a few things you can do to hasten the recovery period post-op:

It’s very important that you follow your dentist’s post-op instructions. If you religiously follow the instructions given your recovery time will be shortened.

Oozing of blood from the site 254 hours after the extraction is expected. However, you will be advised to avoid spitting as this could cause the blood clot from the socket to get dislodged. You may replace the gauze on the site as instructed by your dentist.

Pain is also expected after the surgery. To help address the pain, you may take over-the-counter painkillers like Tylenol but make sure you follow the dosage on the label. Applying a cold pack on the side of your face where the extraction was done will also help relieve pain.

Don’t worry about the swelling because it will usually subside after 2 to 3 days. The bruising will subside after 5 days.

For a speedy recovery, you should avoid strenuous activities after your surgery. Within 24 hours from the surgery, you are expected to rest. All normal activities should only resume the next day but again, it should not include strenuous tasks to prevent the blood clot from getting dislodged from the socket.

Hydrate and drink plenty of water. However, make sure you don’t drink alcoholic, carbonated and caffeinated beverages in the first 24 hours after surgery. Don’t drink using a straw because sucking on the straw may potentially dislodge the blood clot.

24 hours after the surgery it is advised that you only consume soft foods like applesauce or yogurt. You can eat semisoft foods as tolerated but don’t rush it. As much as possible, steer clear from hard, spicy, hot and chew foods so as not to irritate the extraction site.

After the surgery, you are not allowed to brush your teeth nor rinse your mouth with a mouthwash. You need to wait until after 24 hours have passed. When you already brush, be very gentle especially when you’re cleaning the surgical site. Rinse your mouth using lukewarm salt water every couple of hours and after meals for about 7 days.

Don’t smoke for at least 3 days after the surgery and longer if that’s possible because smoking or even chewing tobacco will delay the healing process and it may also increase your risk of developing complications post-op.


Wisdom tooth extraction has a high success rate as long as you choose a seasoned dentist or oral surgeon to perform it. If, however, you experience difficulty breathing or swallowing or if you develop a fever or experience excessive bleeding, please do call your dentist or oral surgeon ASAP so he or she can check the site and treat it accordingly.

Leveling, Crucial Facts to Know about House Leveling Before You Opt for It

House leveling is not a DIY project where you can save a few hundred bucks in the process. You should always work with a professional house leveling contractor when it’s time to repair the foundation of your home. House leveling is necessary to preserve the value of your house over time. But how will you know when your home needs foundation repairs? Here is what you need to know about house leveling before you opt for the process.

House leveling involves lifting a home back to its original position that it was when the foundation was first laid. Foundations move over time due to numerous reasons. The foundation can sink, crack, settle, or heave over time. Soil issues, too much moisture, or poor quality foundation jobs are some of the reasons for foundation moving.

Once a building moves, leveling becomes important to get the building back to where it was before it began to move. Foundation repair including house leveling is one of the most important repairs your house will ever need. The foundation bears the entire weight of your home. That’s why the foundation should be properly designed and installed in the first place. Any problem with the foundation can damage or devalue your home.

What Are The Common Signs Your Home Needs Leveling?

There are early signs that show you need house leveling. Here are some common signs to look for before calling a professional house leveling contractor:

. Cracks in the ceilings or walls of the building

. The floor seems softer than it should normally feel

. The floor seems to sag or dip over time

. Cracks on the outside of the building

. The house looks uneven when looking at the house from outside

How Is A House Leveled?

The process of house leveling will differ depending on the type of foundation it has. Each foundation type has a different method of repair or leveling. Regardless of the method used, the end goal of the process is to achieve a leveled foundation. Here are the leveling methods depending on the type of foundation in your home:

Leveling A Concrete Slab Foundation

Areas around the building are excavated to install concrete piers, steel piling, or concrete piling. Soil injections are used to prevent the chances of soil swelling during the process. Slab-jacking is the most effective method used to level a concrete slab foundation. A professional house leveling contractor is the best bet to perform such a complex job.

Leveling A Pier And Beam Foundation

A pier and beam foundation is leveled by installing concrete or steel pilings under important locations under the concrete perimeter beam. The contractor will add or remove shims placed on top of the interior columns or pads to adjust the interior. Make sure you work with an experienced leveling contractor to achieve the best results in this regard.

How To Find A House Leveling Contractor?

There are hundreds of foundation repair services in town. But all of these services are not top-notch. Your research plays an important part when choosing the best foundation repair service for the job. Here are some of the most important factors to look for when choosing the best house leveling company in town:

. Is the potential contractor, licensed, bonded, and insured?

. What type of foundations have they repaired in the past?

. Do they have the right expertise to handle your project?

. Do they offer a warranty?

. Does the contractor employ subcontractors for the job? If so, are they well experienced? Are they fully insured?

The aforementioned article provides information on crucial facts to know about house leveling before you opt for it.