What is Jiu-Jitsu

Jiu-Jitsu, such as that taught at Fabin Rosa Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that is grappling-based which focuses on a central theme that involves the skill to control the resisting opponent so that they are forced to submit. Control is typically easier once down on the floor or ground compared to the standing positions, so most of the techniques of BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) is aimed around the skills needed to take an opponent down to ground level and then to wrestle for dominant-control positions, so that they opponent is forced to submit and rendered harmless.

One of the keynotes of this particular sport is to overcome and control a greater size, aggression and strength, with a lesser strength and lesser size. This is made possible through the use of outstanding leverage, position and grip on your opponent. The students of this sport quickly gain a much deeper understanding of the limitations of the body and its workings.

This experience and knowledge can then be utilized to control and subdue an opponent with the severity level that the student has chosen. The route to these skills and knowledge is recognized as mentally and physically demanding. However, participants in this sport benefit greatly from an increase in problem-solving skills, physical fitness as well as a self-knowledge and awareness of their mind and body, along with a host of social benefits when it comes to working in a group of fellow students that are like minded as you have fun and learn together.

Most students learn first about Jiu-Jitsu through the popularity associated with MMA (mixed martial arts) competitions, where the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique if highly prominent. However, the actual practice of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in the form of a sport is separated strongly from MMA. The classes held on a daily basis will not include punching or kicking, but rather a focus on grappling techniques that are safe.

The institutions that offer classes in Jiu-Jitsu are typically taught 6 days in a week. These classes include endurance and strength building warm ups, which is followed by practicing and demonstrations of the techniques. From here the students will start to engage in wrestling with another student on their skill level. This sport is described as a highly demanding workout with a cerebral aspect along with a true sense-of-purpose along with skills.

The Benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is described as more than a martial art and more than a sport. It is believed as something that will change your current life. You may have heard others talking about a “Jiu-Jitsu lifestyle”, but you may not be aware of what this means. The benefits associated with Jiu-Jitsu stretch further beyond what you can actually see. It is often things you are unable to see which will have the largest impact or benefit on your life.

Physical Benefits

There is no denying that your body will change significantly from Jiu Jitsu. In fact, you will start to see physical changes after each week. But what you won’t be able to see is the improvements when it comes to your general overall health due to this type of training. One of the main benefits of Jiu Jitsu is that it will teach you a way to use your own body as a single unit. When you start to increase your awareness of your body, mobility and strength will shortly follow.

Mental Benefits

When it comes to learning the techniques in Jiu Jitsu you need to practice this technique over-and-over. You first study each technique similar to subjects in school and then you can learn how to apply it. One hidden benefit of this sport involves the struggle of drilling, rolling and learning and what it can do for you. The mental strength involved to keep pushing forward even in times of struggle will start to come evident in other areas in your life.